Common blue butterfly

Common blue

Scientific name: Polyommatus icarus

The common blue is a small blue butterfly that flies throughout the summer between April and October. The most widespread of the blue butterflies, it is found in a variety of habitats, including heathland, woodland rides, grassy meadows, parks, large gardens and waste ground. Caterpillars feed on clovers, restharrow, common bird's-foot trefoil and related plants.

How to identify

The male common blue has bright blue wings with a brown border and white fringe. The female is brown with a blue 'dusting' near the body. It has orange spots on the underside of its hindwings, whereas the similar holly blue has black spots. It is larger than the small and silver-studded blues, smaller than the rare large blue, brighter than the chalkhill blue, and lacks the black- and white-chequered pattern along the edge of the wings of the adonis blue.

@tofazzalhossain-all right reserve.


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